

Diámetro máximo del rollo de cinta: N/A
Longitud máxima del rollo de cinta: N/A
Peso del envío: N/A
Precio de lista: N/A
Dimensiones: N/A
Longitud de la dispensa de cinta: N/A
Velocidad de la dispensa de cinta: N/A
Ancho de la cinta: N/A
Tipo de cinta: N/A
Capacidad de la botella de agua: N/A
Cuchillas: N/A
Escobillas de agua: N/A
Requisitos eléctricos: N/A
Normativa de seguridad: N/A
Garantía: N/A
Accesorios: N/A
Opciones disponibles: N/A

Dibujos de piezas/Manual del operador

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Product Reviews

Overall rating out of 5 starsAdd your own review

Rating Categories Ratings Comment
Overall Rating
Fácil de usar
Bien diseñado
Facilita el envío
Poco mantenimiento
Lo recomendaría

For years we have processed our meat products using regular freezer tape on a roll. Can't begin to tell you how much easier and less waste of tape it is in using the Tapeshooter 404. It is so much faster that I have a hard time keeping them busy wrapping. It is so simple, quick, and easy to setup and operate. Built rugged enough for me and my family. Look forward to many happy years of use making our lives just a little simpler.

Would recommend to anyone who is looking for a quality well-built manual tape dispenser that's simple and easy to use..

Randall B., Bielfelt Systems, SEi

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